RESTART - New grants for small businesses Shipleys Tax Advisors

IN THE BUDGET 2021 the Chancellor will unveil £5bn support package to help small businesses stay afloat until restrictions are lifted.

Under the scheme it is thought that non-essential retail businesses will be able to apply for grants of up to £6,000; while pubs, restaurants, hotels and leisure businesses will be able to apply for grants up to the full amount of £18,000.

Where can you get your Restart Grant?

The Restart Grant scheme, administered by local councils, will help most small business owners including those running shops, pubs, clubs, hotels restaurants, gyms and hair salons.

Non-essential retail businesses will get up to £6,000 per premises through the Restart Grant scheme to help them reopen. Shops will reopen no earlier than April 12, according to the Government’s Covid-19 roadmap.

More Restart Grant money will be available for any small business in hospitality, accommodation, leisure, personal care and gyms, which will reopen later and will be more affected by restrictions. They can receive up to £18,000, depending on their rateable value.

The Restart Grant scheme will replace the monthly Local Restrictions Support Grant (Closed) and Local Restrictions Support Grant (Open), which will both close at the end of March.

If you are affected by any of the issues above and would like more information, please call 0114 272 4984 or email

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